IFBB PRO, and two time World Champion, Helle Trevino is now an Amazons Fitness Magazine Sponsored Athlete!
Congratulations Helle!
“Great work stems from great processes. Live in the now.”
-Helle Trevino

I love people and I love to work with people. I feel stagnant if I’m in the same place too long. Traveling and giving back to the world is in my blood and brings me joy. I happily participate in charity events or campaigning for a good cause. I spend as much time being out in the world as being inside my own world. I love yoga and meditation. It gives me peace and recharges my batteries. Bodybuilding is strength and power – a lot of yang energy. Yoga and meditation is the ability to be still and relaxed (soft) – yin energy. This combination is the perfect balance for me. I enjoy having friends around me. My friends are family.
November 19, 2023